Charming love story set on the Erie Canal in the mid-19th Century. A farmer works on the canal to earn money to buy a farm. He meets a cook on a canal boat, but she can't even consider leaving the exciting life on the canal for a banal one on a farm...
游客2022-06-10 几个配角的性格都还挺有意思的
游客2022-06-10 好无聊...一半弃
游客2022-06-10 Henry Fonda的银幕出道作,由舞台剧改编而成,舞台剧也是他主演的。这就是我无法理解的地方……前半段剧情过于慢了,配角挺有意思但主线剧情过于简单无法支撑这么长的时间。珍妮盖诺很可爱,跟Hank还挺配的,身高差很好玩2333