整个“僵尸的事情”已被充斥了太多,每个人都认为它是世界的尽头! 当然,一个人看到死者从坟墓上升,另一个人看到机会。 Q有一个计划:驱动抢劫逃脱面包车,提供每个人到安全的房子,并得到报酬 - 一个很好的,简单的计划。 不幸的是,生活从来没有真的那么简单,而且顶一下,这是第一次Q一直是一个逃脱司机。 他正在很好地应对,但考虑; TONY(负责这项工作的人)是一个杀人的坚果案,DANNY被枪杀,现在出血在货车后面的钱,Sat-Nav有一个自己的心,有 一个家伙在后面生活他的名字“CRAZY史蒂夫”,安全屋已经有警察在这,这整个“僵尸事”似乎正在迅速变成更多的“僵尸启示事”...
The whole "zombie thing" has been hyped up so much that everyone thinks it's the end of the world! Of course, where one man sees the dead rising from the grave, another sees opportunity. Q had a plan: drive the robbery getaway van, deliver everyone to the safe house and get paid - a nice, simple, plan. Unfortunately, life is never really that simple, and to top it all off, this is the first time Q has been a getaway driver. He's coping pretty well though, considering; TONY (the guy who is 'in charge' of the job) is a murderous nut case, DANNY was shot and is now bleeding all over the money in the back of the van, the Sat-Nav has a mind of its own, there's a guy in the back living up to his name "CRAZY STEVE", the safe-house already has police at it, and this whole "zombie thing" seems to be quickly becoming more of a "zombie apocalypse thing"...
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