罗马(幸运麦基)是一个孤独的年轻人谁渴望找到爱| 幸福和陪伴。 受他的无耻的同事折磨和陷入了一种生活
tedium作为焊工在当地工厂| 罗马的一个荣幸是他对生活在他建筑中另一个公寓里的难以捉摸的美丽(克里斯汀贝尔)的痴迷
复杂。 当与年轻女子的机会遇到可怕的错误| 一个疯狂的绝望的瞬间触发一个寒冷的事件导致女孩的
谋杀。 当他徘徊在困境的幻想和冷现实|之间 罗马隐藏他的神秘秘密的斗争进一步复杂化一个偏僻的邻居名为伊娃
(Nectar Rose),他对罗马发展了一种不太可能的吸引力,迫使自己陷入他黑暗和折磨的世界。
Roman (Lucky McKee) is a lonely young man who yearns to find love| happiness and companionship. Tormented by his ungrateful co-workers and trapped in a life of
tedium as a welder in a local factory| Roman's one pleasure is his obsession with the elusive beauty (Kristen Bell) who lives in another apartment in his buildingCopyright © 2025毒剧情