类型:科幻,惊悚,恐怖 美国 2015年
主演:Tobias Jelinek Danielle C. Ryan Keely Aloña Kimberly Leemans 埃里克·爱德华兹 Simon Sorrells Pelé Kizy Brionne Davis Derrick L. McMillon Kristin Minter 岑勇康 Jen Oda Bob Burns Kathy Burns Connor Woodruff
藤| 一个失望的恶魔| 与人类的其他人在他们的苦难持续的人类世界中秘密地生活。 被迫选择拯救他的弟兄或无知的人类女孩| 人与恶魔之间的微妙平衡受到威胁 这可能导致战争。
Vine| a disillusioned demon| secretly lives with others of his kind in the world of humans sustained by their misery. Forced into a choice to save his brethren or aninnocent human girl| the delicate balance between human and demon kind is threatened| which may result in war.
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