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主演:Daniel Lutz Laura DiDio Lorraine Warren  

导演:Eric Walter  



  On November 13, 1974, the house at 112 Ocean Avenue in Amityville, New York became a place that locals feared when 23-year-old Ronald DeFeo murdered his entire family under very mysterious circumstances. In September 1977, it became a place the entire world feared when Jay Anson’s book “The Amityville Horror” was published (later adapted into the popular series of films), bringing the house international notoriety and instant entry into the occult history books. Not so much because of the DeFeo murders, but because it told the tale of what happened to the next family who lived there, one year after the massacre. The Lutz family. In 1975, they were dwellers for all of 28 days before fleeing in mortal terror, the victims of widespread supernatural happenings that pushed them to the brink of madness and had them fearing for their lives. A media circus began that never fully ended. Straight up to their recent deaths, George and Kathy Lutz have never gone back on a single claim. Daniel Lutz was ten years old at the time that his family literally went to hell. Never before in the 35 years since living through the ordeals has he gone on record about his experiences. This is his story, in his words.


    闹鬼事件当事人现身。本以为能听出点儿门道,却满篇是牢骚。我的鬼哭神嚎,我被毁掉的人生。叹气。//似乎这家继父很能招魂似的。不过惊喜的是看到驱魔人Lorraine Warren的影像

    闹鬼事件后30多年期间,当事家庭大儿子Daniel Lutz经历了厌学、离家出走、流浪、离婚。此时重新站在镜头前的他变得多疑,易怒,脏话连篇,我们明显察觉到他心中住着个压抑已久的魔鬼。看完这部纪录片后我的思考不是闹鬼事件的真假,而是Daniel被媒体、社会和继父毁掉的人生。


      On November 13 1974 the house at 112 Ocean Avenue in Amityville New York became a place that locals feared when 23-year-old Ronald DeFeo murdered his entire family under very mysterious circumstances. In September 1977 it became a place the entire world feared when Jay Anson’s book “The Amityville Horror” was published (later adapted into the popular series of films) bring...


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