吉米最好的朋友Sammy已经死于白血病| 留下一个最后的希望:确保他的身体被埋在他最喜欢的足球运动衫。 吉米和他的朋友|包括他的前朋友丹| 他的小兄弟Lump | 和他的粉碎凯特加入了一生的冒险,因为他们度过一个难忘的夜晚,履行他们的朋友的最后要求。
Jimmy's best friend Sammy has died of leukemia| leaving behind one final wish: ensure his body is buried in his favorite football jersey. Jimmy and his friends|including his ex-friend Dan| his little brother Lump| and his crush Kate join the adventure of a lifetime as they spend one unforgettable night fulfilling theirfriend's final request.
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