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主演:Danny Aiello Joe Mantegna Daryl Hannah  

导演:Graeme Clifford 格雷姆 克利福德  


◆原 名:The Last Don Ⅰ
◆译 名:末代教父I(共2部,上下集)
◆导 演:格雷姆·克利福德 Graeme Clifford
◆演 员:柯斯迪·艾黎 Kirstie Alley .... Rose Marie Clericuzio
达丽尔·汉纳 Daryl Hannah .... Athena Aquitane
Penelope Ann Miller .... Nalene De Lena
丹尼·艾洛 Danny Aiello .... Don Domenico Clericuzio
西莫·卡塞尔 Seymour Cassel .... Alfred Gronevelt
詹森·杰德里克 Jason Gedrick .... Cross De Lena
Joe Mantegna .... Pippi De Lena
Cliff De Young .... Senator
Rocco Salata .... Thug/Bodyguard (uncredited)
Bruno Campos .... Jimmy Santadio
克里斯多弗·莫罗里 Christopher Meloni .... Boz Skannet
Tony Amendola .... Sicilian Mayor
Frank Bongiorno .... Sierra Caretaker
Dennis Boutsikaris ....
Vincent Bruni .... Fonsa Jantadi
◆类 型:犯罪/剧情
◆片 长:133分钟 +127分钟
◆上 映:1997年
◆国 家:美国
◆语 言:英语/国语
◆链 接:http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118381/
◆评 分:6.7/10 (661 votes)
◆简 介:
Sprawling Mario Puzo novel about an Italian family of gangsters draws the inevitable comparison to "The Godfather", but does find its own direction. Headed by Don Domenico Clericuzio (Aiello), the family executes a rival gang on the night of the Don's daughter's wedding, including her new husband, the son of his rival. Unfortunately the daughter (Alley) gets pregnant and the repercussions of the night drift into the future. Spanning 1964-1985, the film jumps forward with the growing up of the grandson (Cochrane) who has grown ruthless and scheming. A co-rival in the family is a nephew (Gedrick) who has been raise to take his father's (Mantegna) place in the family as a hitman and has established his place by assassinating a man who killed a Senator's daughter. However, he is proven to not be ruthless enough and moves into the family's casino business in Vegas. When the nephew falls in love with a beautiful actress (Hannah), everything is set in place for the grandson to set up a coupe to take over the family.
一部 Mario Puzo关于意大利和帮家庭的故事,人们不可避免会拿他同《教父》做比较,但这部片子有它自己的风格。故事讲述了Don Domenico Clericuzio所领导的家族黑帮在他自己女儿的婚礼上处死了他的黑帮死对头,和刚成为他女婿的对方老大的儿子。不幸的是他的女儿已经怀孕,这个夜晚也微将来的故事埋下了伏笔。从1964到1985年,Don的孙子慢慢长大,他不仅冷酷无情,而且诡计多端。他在家里的竞争对手是他的堂兄弟,此人从小就是被视作他杀手父亲的接班人来培养,并且通过刺杀了一名杀害了参议院女儿的凶手而一举奠定了自己的家族地位。但是他却不够冷酷无情,于是去了拉斯维加斯帮忙经营家族在那的赌场生意。当他爱上了一位美丽的女演员(Hannah扮演)后,一切已准备就绪,Don的孙子开始接管家族的大戏就就此上演。


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