陷入一个受损的低温荚,一个人被迫观看一系列可怕的科幻故事,而他的生命支持系统用完了。 拥有八个强烈的故事的未知和其他世界,同样美妙和可怕。 参观GALAXY OF HORRORS,如果你敢! 策展人Rue Morgue&Unstable Ground的小恐怖节。
Trapped in a damaged cryogenic pod, a man is forced to watch a series of horrific science-fiction tales while his life support systems run out. Featuring eight intense stories of the unknown and other-worldly, equally wonderful and terrifying. Visit the GALAXY OF HORRORS, if you dare! Curated from Rue Morgue & Unstable Ground's Little Terrors Festival.
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