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主演:田中邦卫 吉冈秀隆 中岛朋子 岩城滉一 绪形直人 裕木奈江 美保纯 中泽佳仁 横山惠 大地康雄 地井武男 大泷秀治 竹下景子 石田良子 菅原文太 古本新之辅 布施博 今井和子 石丸谦二郎 石松葛兹 神保共子 北村和夫 儿岛美雪 小松政夫 永堀刚敏 南云佑介 西岛秀俊 清水真由美 渡部笃郎  




  There is a man who divorced his wife. He moved to rural Hokkaido from Tokyo where he lived with his family without running water or electricity. He has his son and daughter in tow and works hard for them. The folk in the area try to help. A couple of years pass and the older son moves back to Tokyo, attends school and works part-time. The daughter commutes to the city to attend school. She wants to become a nurse. To become a registered nurse she needs to study a further three years. This takes money.


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