哈勒尔森饰演Wilson |孤独的|神经质地诚实的中年人再次和他分居的妻子(劳拉·邓恩),有机会athappiness当他得知他有一个十几岁的女儿(Isabella Amara)他从未见过。在他独特的无耻和稍微扭曲的方式|他出发去与她。
A lonely, neurotic and hilariously honest middle-aged man reunites with his estranged wife and meets his teenage daughter for the first time.
Harrelson stars as Wilson, a lonely, neurotic and hilariously honest middle-aged misanthrope who reunites with his estranged wife (Laura Dern) and gets a shot at happiness when he learns he has a teenage daughter (Isabella Amara) he has never met. In his uniquely outrageous and slightly twisted way, he sets out to connect with her. Written by Fox Searchlight Pictures
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