鲁弗斯是一个害羞和孤独的男孩决心做一个新的开始。 当然他有一些怪癖。 那么,如果他喜欢血的味道呢? 这不是他上瘾。 当一个狡猾的吸血鬼猎人滑入城市寻找青年的喷泉| 鲁弗斯担心他最黑暗的秘密即将被揭露。
Rufus is a shy and lonely boy determined to make a new start. Sure he has some quirks. So what if he likes the taste of blood? It's not like he's addicted. When a
cunning vampire hunter slips into town searching for the fountain of youth| Rufus fears his darkest secret is about to be revealed.
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