从授权后立即9 / 11至2014 NSA启示从Edward Snowden |纪录片看了我们的公民自由和政治话语逐渐恶化侵犯使用军事力量在国会通过。受访者跨越党派界线和包括美国成员国会| CODEPINK | a.c.l.u.和卡托研究所。
From the Authorization to Use Military Force passed by Congress immediately after 9/11 to the 2014 NSA revelations from Edward Snowden| the documentary looks at theviolations of our civil liberties and gradual deterioration of political discourse. Interviewees cross party lines and include members of the U.S. Congress| CodePink| A.C.L.U. and the Cato Institute.
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