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无声的证言 第十七季


主演:艾米莉娅·福克斯 理查德·林特恩  



当狮子座的替补托马斯·张伯伦(Thomas Chamberlain)到达时,尼基(Nikki)调查了头部被枪杀的瑞秋·弗里德曼(Rachel Freedman)和她的小自闭症儿子内森(Nathan)被谋杀的谋杀案。 尼克(Nikki)拒绝女警安妮·伯切特(Anne Burchett)的理论,认为拉结杀死了他们俩,但当冒充拉切的妹妹的冒名顶替者访问太平间时感到不安。 同时发现了被毁容的伊娃·利隆(Eva Liron)的尸体,并用与内森(Nathan)相同的毒药杀死。 她曾是法国热门射手艾萨克·德雷福斯(Isaac Dreyfus)的保姆,并计划通过两人的性爱录像带勒索他。 犹太人以撒(Isaac)因反穆斯林情绪而备受争议,但他否认参与谋杀。 然后发现另一名受害者,以撒的特工穆萨(Mousa),已死亡。

  As Leo's replacement Thomas Chamberlain arrives Nikki investigates the murders of Rachel Freedman, shot in the head, and her little autistic son Nathan, who was poisoned. Nikki rejects policewoman Anne Burchett's theory that Rachel killed them both but is perturbed when an impostor, claiming to be Rachel's sister, visits the morgue. At the same time the disfigured corpse of Eva Liron is discovered, killed with the same poison as Nathan. She had been the nanny to French hot shot footballer Isaac Dreyfus and was planning to blackmail him over a sex tape of them both. Jewish Isaac is a controversial figure due to his anti-Muslim sentiments but he denies ant part in the murders. Then another victim, Isaac's agent Mousa, is discovered dead.


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