两个鬼! 用时间|分隔 谁漫游了一个历史性的英国豪宅的理由| 互相搜索彼此由Ally(LAURA PENNEYCARD)|聚集在一起 一个摄影学生谁遇到的梦想她无法解释和艾美特(GEOFF SHAW)| 一个富有的实业家的儿子。 艾美特与朋友结为友谊揭开他失去的爱情的消失背后的真相| 凯瑟琳一个美丽的仆人的女孩。 然而| 盟友必须首先克服她对他幽灵的恐惧外观之前,她可以帮助埃米特找到凯瑟琳和团聚他们的爱。 拍摄在Hylands House |的美丽位置 这个豪华的戏剧与超自然主题| 引导你通过过去和现在在一系列的脊椎寒冷的噩梦| 鬼怪出现和悬念追逐序列| 移动到一个美丽浪漫故事| 从一开始就利用你的感官。
Two ghosts| separated by time| who have roamed the grounds of a historic English mansion| searching for each other are brought together by Ally (LAURA PENNEYCARD)| a
photography student who is experiencing dreams she can't explain and Emmett (GEOFF SHAW)| the son of a wealthy industrialist. Emmett befriends Ally and together they
unravel the truth behind the disappearance of his long lost love| Catherine a beautiful servant girl. However| Ally must first overcome her fears of his ghostly
appearance before she can help Emmett find Catherine and reunite their love. Shot in the beautiful location of Hylands House| this lavish drama with a supernatural
theme| leads you through past and present in a series of spine-chilling nightmares| ghostly appearances and suspenseful chase sequences| which moves into a beautiful
romance tale| drawing on all your senses from the outset.