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主演:艾莉森·斯戴曼 彼得·戴维森 艾德里安·莱斯特 维多利亚·汉密尔顿 蕾切尔·斯特灵 梅丽莎·约翰斯 萨拉·乔德里 卡尔文·德姆巴 艾琳·凯利曼 乔舒亚·詹姆斯  

导演:伊恩·福尔塞斯 简·波拉德 凯特·休伊特  


生命之星由迈克·巴特利特(Mike Bartlett)创作和撰写,并由话剧共和国(Drama Republic),生活明星艾莉森·斯特德曼(Alison Steadman),彼得·戴维森(Peter Davison),阿德里安·莱斯特(Adrian Lester),维多利亚·汉密尔顿(Victoria Hamilton),梅利莎·约翰斯(Melissa Johns),瑞秋·斯特林(Sacha Choudhry),艾琳·凯利曼(Erin Kellyman),卡尔文·登巴(Calvin Demba)和约书亚·詹姆斯(Joshua James)图片。
维多利亚·汉密尔顿(Victoria Hamilton)将重新担任福斯特医生(Foster Doctor)的角色-现在改名为“贝勒(Belle)”,而不是安娜(Anna)-并希望重新建立自己的生活。
亚当·詹姆斯(Adam James)将在该系列节目的稍后部分露面,重新扮演贝勒(Belle)现为前夫尼尔(Neil)的福斯特医生(Doctor Foster)。生活还扮演着Elaine Paige和Susannah Fielding的重要角色。
盖尔(艾莉森·斯特德曼(Alison Steadman))嫁给了亨利(彼得·戴维森(Peter Davison)),将要庆祝自己的70岁生日,因为一次偶然的相遇使她的一生受到质疑。
David(Adrian Lester)与Kelly(Rachael Stirling)结婚愉快,但在假期遇到冲动的Saira(Saira Choudhry)时受到诱惑而产生冲突。
普拉提老师百丽(Victoria Hamilton)整洁有序的生活因她那混乱的15岁侄女玛雅(Erin Kellyman)的意外到来而受到干扰。
重度怀孕的汉娜(梅丽莎·约翰斯(Melissa Johns))与安全稳定的利亚姆(约书亚·詹姆斯(Joshua James)高兴地结合在一起)的计划因安迪(Calvin Demba)的回归而被颠倒,她在九个月前与她度过了一个热情的一晚展位...

  Created and written by Mike Bartlett and produced by Drama Republic, Life stars Alison Steadman, Peter Davison, Adrian Lester, Victoria Hamilton, Melissa Johns, Rachael Stirling, Saira Choudhry, Erin Kellyman, Calvin Demba and Joshua James, who all feature in today’s new images.

  Victoria Hamilton will reprise her role from Doctor Foster - now going by the name of ‘Belle’, rather than Anna - and seeking to rebuild her life anew.
  Adam James will appear later on in the series, reprising his Doctor Foster role as Belle’s now ex-husband Neil. Life also features Elaine Paige and Susannah Fielding in key roles.
  Set in Manchester, Life follows the stories of the residents of a large house divided into four flats. As each of the four stories unfold and intertwine in surprising ways, they tell a larger story about what happens when we step out of our personal space and take a closer look into other people’s lives. Life explores love, loss, birth, death, the ordinary, the extraordinary and everything in between.
  Gail (Alison Steadman), married to Henry (Peter Davison), is about to celebrate her 70th birthday when a chance encounter throws her whole life into question.
  David (Adrian Lester) is happily married to Kelly (Rachael Stirling), but is conflicted by temptation when he meets the impulsive Saira (Saira Choudhry) on holiday.
  Pilates teacher Belle’s (Victoria Hamilton) neatly ordered life is disrupted by the unexpected arrival of her chaotic 15 year-old niece Maya (Erin Kellyman).
  Heavily pregnant Hannah (Melissa Johns) - who is happily coupled up with safe and stable Liam (Joshua James) - has her plans upended by the return of Andy (Calvin Demba), with whom she had a passionate one-night stand nine months previously...



    第一集就囊括了生 老 病 死。生活千瘡百孔後,總可以重新來過



    当至亲只剩下有限的生命 你忍了ta一辈子的缺点 到底是纠正还是继续容忍?


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