由两次GoldenGlobe®提名的Ewan McGregor讲述,驼背鲸是一个非凡的旅程,进入大自然最令人惊叹的海洋哺乳动物之一的神秘世界。这个海洋冒险活动位于阿拉斯加,夏威夷和偏远的汤加岛等壮丽的水域,为观众提供了一个关于这些鲸鱼如何沟通,唱歌,饲养,玩耍和照顾他们的年轻人的最新观点。捕获的
由Pacific Life,Humpback Whales提供的MacGillivray Freeman电影由Greg MacGillivray(The Living Sea,Dolphins,Everest)指挥,由Shaun MacGillivray(向北极,大峡谷冒险)制作。拍摄的15perf / 65mmIMAX®相机,驼背鲸是由史蒂芬·贾德森(珠穆朗玛峰,到北极)由史蒂夫·伍德(南太平洋,到北极)的乐谱编写和编辑。一个世界一海洋生产。
Narrated by two-time Golden Globe® nominee Ewan McGregor, Humpback Whales is an extraordinary journey into the mysterious world of one of nature’s most awe-inspiring marine mammals. Set in the spectacular waters of Alaska, Hawaii and the remote islands of Tonga, this ocean adventure offers audiences an up-close look at how these whales communicate, sing, feed, play and take care of their young. Captured for the
first time with IMAX® 3D cameras, and found in every ocean on earth, humpbacks were nearly driven to extinction 50 years ago, but today are making a slow but remarkable recovery. Join a team of researchers as they unlock the secrets of the humpback and find out why humpbacks are the most acrobatic of all whales, why they sing their haunting songs, and why these intelligent 55-foot, 50-ton animals migrate up to 10,000 miles round-trip every year.
A MacGillivray Freeman film presented by Pacific Life, Humpback Whales is directed by Greg MacGillivray (The Living Sea, Dolphins, Everest) and produced by Shaun MacGillivray (To The Arctic, Grand Canyon Adventure). Filmed with 15perf / 65mm IMAX® cameras, Humpback Whales is written and edited by Stephen Judson (Everest, To The Arctic) with a musical score by Steve Wood (Journey to the South Pacific, To The Arctic). A One World One Ocean production.
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