当一队不太可能的英雄劫持一辆蒸汽动力的战车,一名大胆的年轻巫师(马立克)偷走了全能的黑暗之王的最后一块,并开始绝望的追求,将被诅咒的神器传递给神来保护; 但是当他们陷入一场无情的精英雇佣军团队和三位恶魔之间的死亡竞赛中时,马立克必须学会在她的朋友被杀害之前相信自己,并且Darkspore被迷失,以阻止邪恶的死灵法师(Szorlok)团结起来 黑暗之泉,淹没了生命世界与他的不死生物。
When a team of unlikely heroes hijacks a steam-powered battle wagon, a daring young wizard (Marek) steals the final piece of the all-powerful Darkspore and embarks on a desperate quest to deliver the cursed artifact to the gods for safe keeping; but when they are caught in a death race between a ruthless team of elite mercenaries and a trinity of demons, Marek must learn to believe in herself before her friends are killed and the Darkspore is lost, to stop the evil necromancer (Szorlok) from uniting the Darkspore and flooding the living world with his legions of undead.
When a team of unlikely heroes hijacks a steam-powered battle wagon a daring young wizard (Marek) steals the final piece of the all-powerful Darkspore and embarks on a desperate quest to deliver the cursed artifact to the gods for safe keeping; but when they are caught in a death race between a ruthless team of elite mercenaries and a trinity of demons Marek must learn to bel...
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