作为一个文化人类学项目|几部分大学生走上周末野营旅行研究一个城市的传说|耙。耙是一个长着爪子terrifyingmonster |人形。生物饲料,也恰好是同一时间的大学生参加他们的campingtrip春分|。作为大学生探索更深的沙漠追逐的神话|和否定它的存在|他们发现自己不再thehunters神秘|但耙本身的猎物。现在他们发现自己的生命而战。
As part of a Cultural Anthropology Project| several college students embark on a weekend camping trip to research an urban-legend| The Rake. The Rake is a terrifyingmonster| in humanoid form with long claws. The creature feeds only on the Equinox| which also happens to be the same time the college students take their campingtrip. As the college students explore deeper and deeper into the desert to chase down the myth| and disprove of it's existence| they find themselves no longer thehunters of mystery| but the prey of The Rake itself. Now they find themselves fighting for their very lives.
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